January 11, 2012

Thesis is it? #ForTheLoveofGrad

Hey everyone, Happy New Year!
So first, allow me tell you the story of Robbie, a rabbit who was doing his thesis out in the woods. One afternoon, a wolf chanced upon Roby, the wolf asked “hey, what’s up” Roby answered, Oh nothing much, just doing my thesis. The wolf was curious so he asked, what’s it about? It’s about how rabbits eat wolves, Robbie answered. HAH, such rubbish, there’s no such thing as rabbits that can eat wolves. Oh but there is, I have been researching about it. Do you want to see it? Yeah, I guess.
So Robbie took the wolf for a walk, inside a cave, and later on came back alone. Well, he then just continued to do his thesis until another wolf came by. The second wolf asked, Hey, what’s up?  Ah nothing much, just doing my thesis. The second wolf was also curious so he asked, what’s it about? It’s about how rabbits eat wolves, Robbie answered. Hah, such rubbish, that thing will never get published you know. Oh but it will, I have seen several experiments on it. Would you want to witness one? Sure, I guess, the wolf said. So for the second time Robbie took the wolf for a walk inside a cave and came out alone, just like the first time. But this time, we see that inside the cave is a lion, Robbie’s thesis adviser.
The moral of the story is that your thesis topic