March 14, 2016

Has Travel Made me Jaded? (Bohol)

I am no longer scared of the world,

No longer in a hurry to see everything, no longer intimidated by the unknown, but I am afraid I may have become desensitized too.

When I stepped out of the plane from Manila to Bohol, I had absolutely no plans - no itinerary, no room reservations, no relatives or friends to visit, and no company to consult with. I was alone in a relatively foreign place.

I wanted to prepare better for the trip, but I was swamped with everything. And so I carried on, and believed that I will find everything that I wanted and needed.

Bohol Day Tour (Around 600 php)

I met Lex, a fellow solo traveler in Bohol. Just like me, he had no plans, and hadn't eaten breakfast yet too. We walked together looking for a place to eat. Then we bumped into Ricky, a tricycle driver who offered to be our guide in Bohol. Having no plans ourselves, we gladly took the offer.

Bohol Python and Wildlife Sanctuary (Around 20 php)

It's a place with animals in captivity. I don't feel comfortable in such places. It feels restricting and downright sad... Imagine if you have to live in a small quarter all your life...

Loboc Floating Restaurant (Around 450 php)

Cruise along Loboc River while enjoying Filipino buffet, live music, and performances. Food is decent. Scenery is beautiful and relaxing. Performances are lively and cheery.

Loboc River
Local children performing a folk song and dance

Tarsier Conservation Area (Around 50 php)

Tarsiers are sensitive creatures - they will commit suicide if they get stressed. Because of this, visitors should observe silence and non flash photography. Tarsiers look like delicate tiny aliens :)


Man-made Forest

Just did a quick stop over here for picture taking. I read that the mahogany trees are foreign to the soil. Hence the animals and insects in the area do not recognize the place as home, and so does not propagate here - explains why there are no birds in this forest.

Man Made Forest, Bohol

ShipHaus (Around 20 php)

House/museum shaped and decorated like a ship

Chocolate Hills Viewing Deck (Around 50 php)

There is concrete stairs leading to the viewing deck. The shape of the hills are not so identical anymore because of the previous earthquakes, but it is still a sight to see. Normally I would conjure stories on how this landscape came to be- a romanticized version of how it looked like and how it made me feel. But such did not came to me. Don't get me wrong though, the hills were beautiful. It's just that my mind stopped already at that conclusion - no more sentimental emotions, etc.

Island Tour (Around 2800 php per boat)

Lex and I strolled by the beach and found boatmen looking for joiners for their Island Tour - of course we joined. Hehe people without plans are really easy to tag along and convince.

Pamilacan Island

If there is anything that amazed me most in this trip, it would be seeing dolphins in the wild. Imagine a couple of boats of tourists roaming around the sea, and praying for dolphins. Everyone was alert and in the lookout for dolphins. I was terribly sleepy when suddenly a group of dolphins sprung up near our boat. LUUCCKKY!!! Every boat rushed towards the dolphins to get a better view, and they just jumped and jumped and jumped playfully in and out of the waters.

You can see the smile and wonder from everyone. It was absolutely lovely - my heart thumped :)

Balicasag Island

Already satisfied and happy from the dolphin sighting, we proceeded to Balicasag Island for snorkeling. There was a cliff part underwater which made me scared and curious to swim closer at.

Somehow I am uncontrollably drawn and amazed by things that scare me. It is not so much as being mad, but a yearning for more, a desire for growth. It is almost as addicting as it can be debilitating. I am struck.

Virgin Island

Very picturesque sandbar, but not much to do - just walk around, take photos, and breathe.

Maribojoc Evening Firefly Tour (Around 2000 php)

Did this tour with Kayakasia Outfitter. Because I was alone, I was given a local kid as my partner in kayaking - in case I was unable to navigate the kayak in pure darkness of the night - which did happen, haha! The kid was eager to show me around and impress me which was very sweet. We got to the farther parts of the river ahead of everyone so we had more time to be quiet and just appreciate the place. The stillness of the surrounding was liberating - I almost wished to be left there alone for the night.

With the others approaching, we moved on to see the mangroves which was lighted by fireflies - hundreds if not thousands of them! I wanted to feel more when I saw the trees seemingly in fire because of the glowing insects, but nothing. It was "fine."

This was it.

Some parts of the world has become normal to me. It no longer scares me, or no longer excites me like before. But was it really travel or experience that made me jaded? Or was it my ego?

Throw away enlightenment when you have it. I may, in some way, have become jaded, but I am hopeful.



Budget a bit more when in Panglao, because commodities are at dollar rate - probably because most tourists are foreigners. Also planned to go to Hinagdanan Cave and Danao Adventure Park, but ran out of time so putting it on my imaginary itinerary next time.

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