July 4, 2020

How to Ride a Bike - Tips For Adults

For adults it can be embarrassing or scary to learn how to ride a bike, but definitely not impossible. My mom is 57 years old and she just learned how to ride a bike. Youre never too old to learn new skills, guys! 

1. Get a comfortable bike - you can reach the ground easily even when seated 
2. Find a safe area to practice 
3. Wear safety gears like helmet, gloves, elbows and shin pads to protect yourself in case you fall off the bike. 
4. Get comfortable with the bike by getting on/ off, walking the bike, trying out the brakes 
5. Practice striding - this is sliding yourself while on the bike - don't pedal. This is for you to learn balancing on a bike 
6. Practice pedaling - once you can slide, you can try pedaling. Avoid looking at your pedals, just look ahead and pedal continuously. 
7. Keep practicing!

My mom was able to pedal without assistance after a total of 4 hours (1hr per day practice every other day) Aww im soo proud! I taught my mom how to ride a bike!!!

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