April 5, 2013

Am I gay?

...because, I had the nth inquiry today. 

If I were to make an FAQ about myself, then "Are you straight?" would probably be number 2. ("Why are you so skinny" is number one.) Of course, I find it amusing when people ask me if I'm straight, or if I am lesbian or bisexual. HAHAHA

Although I find it amusing, it also puzzles me. Why am I always getting this question, again and again, and again. I don't get it.. 

It feels a bit weird writing this entry. However, for the sake of not explaining again and again - I am writing this entry so that whenever people ask me about my sexuality, I'll have a url handy. 

Here's the deal.

I am straight (not lesbian, not bisexual, but straight) now, and always have been. 

Nonetheless, I agree with the saying gender is fluid, so I am open to changing should I feel the need to. Still, right now, I am absolutely (was and is) straight . 

Yes, I did have a girlfriend when I was a lot younger. It was a different experience, but I'd say that I was never really attached. It was out of mere curiosity.  

Hi Inabelles! so to answer your question, I am for team lalaki, kay? HAHAHA

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