April 7, 2013

The Truth About Siquijor

Siquijor is the most beautiful place I have ever seen yet. 

Arlet featuring Siquijor :)) aka vanity shot, HAHAHA

Its beauty makes me wonder how the witchcraft rumors about Siquijor originated. However I must agree - the island is mystique. The way the trees grow, the stars shine, the sun sets and rises, the caves form, the fireflies dance... in Siquijor, nature is magical, so magical it makes you believe in magic. HAHA ang gulo ko. 

I went to Siquijor last Holy Week to witness the Healing Festival, but I ended up witnessing and enjoying more than that. 

1. Getting there

From Manila, I took a plane to Dumaguete, and then a ferry to Siquijor. Unfortunately no ferry trips are scheduled on Good Friday so I had to pass the night at Dumaguete. I had nothing to do in Dumaguete so I ended up walking around the Boulevard, and eating at nearby restaurants. 

Tip: Once in Dumaguete, walk outside the airport before riding a tricycle. The normal tricycle ride should only cost around 8php -15php, but if you get a tricycle inside the airport, they'll ask you to pay 150php. BTW, try the sylvannas at Sans Rival Cakes and Pastries in Rizal Boulevard!

Off to Siquijor, reminds me of the episode when Gon leaves the island to take part in the Hunter x Hunter exam :))

2. Getting around

Once in Siquijor, you can travel the island via renting out a motorcycle or via habal habal or tricycle; there are also occasional jeepneys to and from Siquijor port. I wanted to travel by myself to save on expense and be more in control of my time. Unfortunately I don't know how to ride a motorcycle, let alone have a license to drive it. Heck, I do not even know how to ride a bike :|

3. Itinerary: Lenten Festival of Herbal Preparation

Every Holy Week, the healers of San Antonio gather at Mt. Bandilaan to prepare a potion that is said to cure all ailments. They also offer their (a) ready made products such as health potion, success potion, love potion, curse-cancelling herbs, etc and (b) services such as fortune-telling, hilot (massage?), etc.  

Potions for sale

Foreigners watching the cooking of medicine aka "Pagluluto"

4. Itinerary: Bolo-bolo 

Bolo-bolo is a local practice among faith healers to cure illness. It is done by blowing through a glass with water and black stone, while hovering the glass to the patient's body. If the water turns dirty, it means that the person has some kind of illness. The healer shall repeat the process until the water does not turn dirty anymore. Did that make sense? 

5. Itinerary: Cantabon Cave

This is perhaps my favorite cave to date, because of all the caves I've been to, this is the only one that presents variety in a sense that you'll walk, crawl, climb, leap, get wet, etc.

6. Itinerary: Cambugahay Falls

The falls look small, but it took me a lot of courage (and cheering from the crowd below, HAHAHA) to jump. I am scared of jumping or being tossed around because it gives me no control.

Underwater, everything seems so fragile, yet so romantic. 

8. Beach

Is it me or is the sea hypnotic? It makes you question what you're doing with your life. Life is really too short to be sad for a long time, and neglect to see what the world has to offer. I think that everyone owes it to himself or herself to live and see the world firsthand.

9. The Stars and the Fireflies

I've never seen so many stars in my whole life that it made me weep. And the fireflies reflecting in the water... BRB crying. HAHAHA.

10. The Siquijodnons

Here's a trick: smile or wave at someone, and they'll instantaneously smile and wave back at you.

Other Itineraries - 400 yr old Balete tree, Black Mary, Snorkeling, Triad Restaurant, Cang-isok Old House, Firefly watching at Hambilica Resort, and Lugnason Falls.

Sarap Mabuhay!
It's great to be alive!



  1. i need to go back there soon! arrgh. inggit ako :(

    1. Go back! You've been to Siargao naman e! I wanna have a vacation na pang student din :)

  2. 'I've never seen so many stars in my whole life that it made me weep. And the fireflies reflecting in the water' - eee your words alone make it sound so magical! Kelan kaya ako makakapunta dito? hehe

    1. Hi Kat! Nice to "meet" you here! HAHAHA

      It is magical, sayang hindi kayang icapture ng camera ko yung stars or fireflies. Go there ng Holy Week, para maabutan mo yung Lenten Feast of herbal preparation :)

    2. nice to 'meet' you too!

      sige, next year yan ang gagawin kong destination for Holy Week. :)

  3. I've never been there! I love the vanity shot, btw. :)


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