January 31, 2014

Is Seeing Alone Satisfying?

If I just wanted to see something, I would simply look at photographs. Only that, I would rather not just see something. I want to taste that something, or ride that something, or in this case, bathe and swim in that something.

After visiting Osmena Peak, I had three other nearby places that I could check: Kawasan Falls, Obong Springs, and Dakong Bato beach resort.

1. Kawasan Falls

Just worth a quick look and dip

You can trek from Osmena peak to Kawasan Falls. It will take around 4 to 6 hours from the summit. But as our team did not have that luxury of time we opted to ride a bus to Kawasan Falls. As it was almost evening and the weather has been erratic, the water was very cold. But the Dutch (from Holland) I met in the area thought otherwise. Next time a foreigner asks me if the water is cold, I'll just say it's okay. HAHAHA

When you visit Kawasan Falls, remember that there are 2 other falls if you go further up in the forest. There are guides who will volunteer themselves for a fee, but I think that you can easily follow the trail on your own. The falls are beautiful, but I dislike the way it is manage (i.e. sitting in one of the chairs would cost you 300php, using the raft would be another 300php, and then there will be 2 boatmen for the raft who would suddenly ask 100php each for the 15 minute ride on the raft - that you have already paid 300php anyway) The food is also expensive!

I think I wouldn't go back to Kawasan Falls on my own. Thinking back, I should not have rented the table, and the raft (and the boatmen that goes with it.) I could have just swam to the falls to experience the pressure of the falls, and then left. After all, my friend and I only stayed for less than an hour.

 2. Obong Spring

Not worth a quick look nor dip

From Osmena Peak, you can ride a habal habal to Obong Spring, it would cost around 350php. The place is clean and the cottage rental is only 100php. However, less than 30 minutes in the water, my friends and I decided to leave and look for a good beach instead. The group before us also left after a while.

It's because it stinks. Since the entrance fee is only 5php (and you don't really need to rent a cottage), there were a bunch of kids in the area. You have to pay 5php to use the dark and tiny urinal so I guess the kids just chose to pee in the fresh water.

I wouldn't go back to Obong Spring. 

3. Dakong Bato Beach Resort

This is perhaps the biggest disappointment among the 3, but for a different reason. The place is well managed. However, the waves were so big and strong at the time of our visit that we were unable to swim to our hearts content.

The raft is dancing!

Say hi to my new friend MM (left) and to my travel buddy Sam (right)

I would definitely go back to Dakong Bato on a sunny day!
Seeing places alone is satisfying, but is definitely not enough (sometimes!)

See you around!


My road name is Alex (or Max or Jenny or Lisa or any other random name I could spout of!) HAHAHAHAHAHA.

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